Celebrity Babies and the Moustache Dummy Support for Movember

Celebrity Mum Kimberly Stewart was spotted with her daughter sporting a Moustache Dummy. She looks so cute supporting Movember, it just goes to show that no one is too young to support this fabulous fundraising event.

Why is Kimberly covering up her mouth, is she joining in too?

If so why not send us a photo of your facial growth and we will start a gallery, go on don’t be shy send us a pic, it is for a good cause after all.

New Arrivals at The Discovery Store – We heart the Moustache!

The Discovery Store is going moustache crazy! We received a very exciting package this week and inside was a whole bunch of new and exciting products for you to get moustachified with! So if your upper lip is feeling lonely and a wee bit chilly during these lacing summer months, or you’re just tickled at the thought of a good old curly tash (and who wouldn’t?!) then listen up…

Novelty Mustache Dummy!

Novelty Moustache Dummy

If you didn’t think babies could get any more cute… think again! The novelty moustache dummy will have you ‘awww’ing’ like you never have before! Funny dummies are hilariously cute but you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen this – the king of funny dummies for babies! The moustache dummy imitates a real moustache attached to an ordinary pacifier, giving the illusion that your adorable little one has quite literally ‘grown up so fast!’ Funny baby dummies never fail to put a smile on everyone’s faces, and let’s face it, everyone loves a good old tash!



Get instant panache when you stick on your moustache! The Fingerstache allows you to become whoever you want! So whether you’re feeling like a professor, plumber or an el bandito, stick on your finger moustache and you’ll be transformed into your choice of character! The finger moustache tattoos are perfect for an up and coming festival or great for a party where you and your friends can laugh at what everyone looks like with their very own finger moustache! The Fingerstache make great photos to laugh at the next day – so stick on your finger mustache and smile for the camera!

Moustache Straws

Moustache Straws

Because we’re going moustache crazy here at The Discovery Store, what would a moustcahe collection be without some novelty moustache straws?! A poor collection indeed! So we’ve stocked these great moustache accessories, so that whenever you take a delicate slurp of your drink you’ll be effortlessly wearing your moustache accessory! These novelty straws are also great for those must-have photo opportunites and make hilarious profile photos! The moustache straws are still in stock but are flying out fast so get your moustache whilst you can!